
『ALL OUT!!、同人誌・個人出版』の電子書籍一覧

1 ~4件目/全4件

  • シリーズ2冊

    The 239 pages combined edition contains volumes 1, 2, 3, and 4 of "Pixel Days" series.

    This 239-page combined edition contains volumes 1, 2, 3, and 4 of "Pixel Days" series, an anthropomorphic delusion essay manga in pixel art that draws Dog (character name) trying out various hobbies. It also has uncollected illustrations and postscripts for each of volumes 1-4.

    Pixel Days 1
    Challenging large bowl of ramen, You can speak up though movie theater! First experience of a cheering screenig....The day before the doujinshi exhibition, a greedy all-night trip with 40 kg of books!

    Pixel Days 2
    What? Oven with cardboard and aluminum foil! Make a roast beef with the mysterious dragon girl by 100 yen shop DIY!

    Pixel Days 3
    "There's no way you can get it to the print house in time now." What are you talking about? I'm going to make books now, by myself! Doujinshi DIY manga!

    Pixel Days 4
    The experience of wandering around in the hot sun in search of money to buy gas when my moped ran out of gas on the hottest day of the year!
  • "Knock knock... Bankie, boss, you up?'S me, Kogasa, the haunted umbrella!Oh, you again, what do you want today?'Bout that, you see, we got a bit of an emergency.Lotta folks sayin' they wanna move into our rowhouse.So I was hopin' you could help us out, boss.Good grief. Well, all right, go and call them over then."「どうも、私たちは東方同人誌を翻訳するサークル「考えるな、見よ!」です。このサークルは東方Projectとその二次創作を世界的に広めようとしています。今後の作品でお会いしたいです。 Greetings, we are "Kangaeruna Miyo!" a doujin circle focused on translating Touhou doujinshi. We aim to make Touhou Project and its fanworks more accessible to the rest of the world. We look forward to seeing you again in the future.」
  • シリーズ7冊
    レーベル: スプリング

    【‘71(ボクシングとの出会い)’76(王者)‘81(引退)】 冠ワシのキーナンバー 71・76・81は アメリカ独立革命~フランス、ハイチ革命への流れにもマッチ /英仏の紛争は世界規模の戦争に突入し、互いに財政難に拍車をかけて市民革命の火種をつくる/植民地への課税強化、抵抗、イギリス軍によるボストン虐殺事件(’70)、翌年追悼式/♪式典71 ワンツーテンポ2年後に ボストンで またもや事件 ♪ボストン茶会事件、ワンツーテンポ2年後に 戦闘開始75♪ 翌年76アメリカ独立宣言/ワシントン司令官 気乗りせずとも選ばれる 人望厚い司令官 ♪ 給料は無くてよし表明 彼の株上げる♪フランス革命年 初代大統領になる 1期で引退の予定♪ 給料は無くてよし 無私の公僕 通したい 議会が断固通さない♪ 1期目の終わり方 離任挨拶 用意する 周囲が断固 通さない♪ 最長2期8年 模範を示し慣習化 法制化へつなげる♪ Key numbers of Gushiken match prominent revolution series. / Memorial ceremony for Boston massacre held in 1771 and two years later, Boston Tea Party / US Declaration of Independence 76 Washington was appointed Commander which he didn’t seek. His spirit of trying to serve without a salary enhanced his evaluation. He served as the first President and intended to retire in one term. Selfless devotion to Office - He wished to serve without any salary, which was unacceptable to Congress. He set the example of two terms at the longest.
  • シリーズ9冊
    レーベル: クロ僕屋電書



    しかしさっそく電車を乗り間違え待ち合わせに大遅刻! エレベーターのない駅の階段でクソ重い荷物を抱えてもう嫌な予感しかしないぞ……



    「創作同人2020年3月」参加作品 創作同人電子書籍 COMITIA131 コミティア131初頒布






