

1 ~2件目/全2件

  • Hawk his last work.

    1: Kagero: Hawkers selling novel books written by Kagero, their late best friend, meet a woman who was Kagero's lover at a fair.
    Three people gather around the man who is no longer with them. Books that don't sell. Will there ever come a day when their dead stock is cleared?
    2: Fancy meeting you here: Miu and her party take a cheap train to a faraway fair to sell her late boyfriend Kagero's last work.
    On the way, they wait for the first train at a dingy game center. Miu is playing batting in her spare time when a mysterious dog woman in the next lane teaches her how to hit the ball. Why is a woman alone in such a late-night, dingy batting cage? Moreover, it seems that this woman was involved with her boyfriend Kagero before he passed away.
    The ex-girlfriend of the late boyfriend! Women's battle breaks out at the batting cage?

    Monochrome manga with 102 pages.
    Translated Japanese style manga, goes from right to left.
  • クロ僕屋時代劇作品集


    真夜中の夜鳴き蕎麦屋やってきた浪人と蕎麦屋は過去に因縁があった……蕎麦斬り 24頁
    祝言の費用のため若侍は父の形見の春画を質に入れるが……江戸の質屋むじなや 32頁
    時代劇とクトゥルフの異次元融合……蕎麦の呼び声 8頁
    定番落語を大胆アレンジ……まんじゅうこわい 8頁
    落語アレンジシリーズ……めぐろのさんま 8頁
    文字の読めない女中に番頭が文字を教える……てならひ 8頁
    サイレント短編……西瓜 5頁
    幕末に戦った薩摩武士を探す明治の探偵……砧私立探偵社 幕末の鬼 8頁







