The mouse who had been tricked to think that he is the strongest animal in the world challenged the elephant to fight, who was rumored to be the strongest animal in the world. The mouse and the elephant, which won the fight…?(KiiroitoriBooks,Vol 46)
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A garden surrounded by tall hedges with its entrance gate locked. With entry strictly forbidden, what sort of secret lies in this place?(KiiroitoriBooks,Vol 128)
Nello lived in a small village in Belgium. He was living happily with his grandfather and his best friend, Patrasche, although their household was not very wealthy. Nello thought a happy life will continue forever, however…(KiiroitoriBooks,Vol 127)
Tengu's invisible cloak is a mysterious, magical cloak that gives the wearer invisibility. One day, a mischievous boy received the invisible cloak and it led to quite a lot of trouble. Let's find out what he did with the cloak…(KiiroitoriBooks,Vol 126)
One day, Ichiro received a single postcard from Wildcat. The clumsily handwritten postcard requested Ichiro to attend a trial tomorrow. Let's find out what kind of trial Wildcat was talking about…(KiiroitoriBooks,Vol 125)
One morning, during Winter, a fox came out of its burrow and discovered that the mountain was covered in white snow. The fox then went for a walk looking for food and suddenly stumbled across an otter hunting for fish.(KiiroitoriBooks,Vol 124)
A garden surrounded by tall hedges with its entrance gate locked. With entry strictly forbidden, what sort of secret lies in this place?(KiiroitoriBooks,Vol 128)
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