211005更新 文字拡大、画質向上
今回の問題は具体的な形でなく、放射状の曲線……これを物体である「上構(オブジェクト)」とするか? 集中線などの「土台(メタオブジェクト)」とするか……?
"Fill in the blanks based on the draft"....This is the tenth question in the "#blankMangaProblem" series, where a dozen of different answers are produced from the one question.
This time, the draft is not a concrete form, but abstract radial curves. Is it a "object", which have a concrete form...? or a "meta-object", like concentrated line-works...? It's up to the answerers.
This is an in-depth analysis of the 13 answers to the question given at MGM234, a doujinshi exhibition held in 200913. What are "Layer penetration," "Gaze-line," and "Ostranenie"...? This is the tenth volume in a series of manga study books that explores the question, "What is manga?"