Get ready for the latest GENKI!
GENKI, one of the world's favorite elementary Japanese textbook series, has become even better with the arrival of its third edition!
Enhancements include...
●Dialogues and vocabulary: Updated to reflect today's world
●Grammar explanations: Now even easier to follow
●Practices: Reorganized to further clarify their relationship with grammar points
●Can-do goals: Added to the start of each lesson
●“Let's Find Out": Investigative tasks have been added
●New app: Learners can use their smartphone to download and listen to audio materials
●「Let's Find Out」で調べるタスクを導入
(C)1999, 2011, 2020 by Eri Banno, Yoko Ikeda, Yutaka Ohno, Chikako Shinagawa, and Kyoko Tokashiki.
3,600円 (+消費税360円)
9/19 (木) 09:59まで
『初級日本語 げんき[第3版]』について
1.『初級日本語 げんき』とは
2. 教材の構成
3. 表記と書体
4. テキスト各課の構成
5. [第3版]改訂の方針
6. 補助教材
げんき I・テキスト 解答
げんきII・テキスト 解答
げんき I・ワークブック 解答
げんきII・ワークブック 解答
The Teacher’s Guide covers all Practice sections of Textbooks I and II. It provides detailed pointers on how to introduce new material, deal with tricky grammar items, and carry out exercises. Also included are additional suggestions for activities.
As with the second edition, the third edition comes with a separate answer key that includes answers to all textbook and workbook exercises, plus transcripts of the workbooks’ listening material.
Note: The third edition does not come with a CD-ROM. Some of the material contained on the second edition’s CD-ROM and additional new content is made available for purchase via the GENKI Online shop. For details, see here (in Japanese).
About Genki 3rd Edition
*Syllabus of the Dialogue and Grammar Section
*Kanji Introduced in the Reading and Writing Section
Teaching the Conversation and Grammar Section
About the Conversation and Grammar Section
Before Starting Lesson 1
Lessons 1-23
Teaching the Reading and Writing Section
About the Reading and Writing Section
Lessons 1-23
(Supplementary Volume)
Answer Key
・Answer for GENKI I (Textbook)
・Answer for GENKI II (Textbook)
・Answer for GENKI I (Workbook)
・Answer for GENKI II (Workbook)
・Scripts of Listening Comprehension in Workbook
Get ready for the latest GENKI!
GENKI, one of the world's favorite elementary Japanese textbook series, is now ever better with the arrival of its third edition!
Overview of GENKI (Vols. 1 & 2)
Completion of Vol. 1 should place you at a skill level on par with JLPT N5 or CEFR A1. Vol. 2 is
intended to further raise your abilities to N4 or A2.
Sentence patterns: Almost all the basic sentence pattern for beginners
Kanji: 317 characters
Vocabulary: Approx. 1,100 basic words used in everyday life
Time requirement: Approx. 200 hours
『げんき』シリーズは、初級日本語を「話す・聞く・読む・書く」の4技能にわたって学習する総合教材です。全2巻・23課で、初級の文法全般と漢字約300 字、語彙約1,100 語を学びます。
げんき1修了=日本語能力試験 N5 / CEFR A1 レベル相当
げんき2修了=日本語能力試験 N4 / CEFR A2 レベル相当
【テキスト2 もくじ】
第13課 アルバイト探し
第14課 バレンタインデー
第15課 長野旅行
第16課 忘れ物
第17課 ぐちとうわさ話
第18課 ジョンさんのアルバイト
第19課 出迎え
第20課 メアリーさんの買い物
第21課 どろぼう
第22課 日本の教育
第23課 別れ
第13課 日本のおもしろい経験
第14課 悩みの相談
第15課 私が好きな所
第16課 まんが「ドラえもん」
第17課 オノ・ヨーコ
第18課 大学生活
第19課 手紙とメール
第20課 猫の皿
第21課 厄年
第22課 桜さんの日記
第23課 顔文字と絵文字
Get ready for the latest GENKI!
GENKI, one of the world's favorite elementary Japanese textbook series, has become even better with the arrival of its third edition!
Enhancements include...
●Dialogues and vocabulary: Updated to reflect today's world
●Grammar explanations: Now even easier to follow
●Practices: Reorganized to further clarify their relationship with grammar points
●Can-do goals: Added to the start of each lesson
●“Let's Find Out": Investigative tasks have been added
●New app: Learners can use their smartphone to download and listen to audio materials
●「Let's Find Out」で調べるタスクを導入
GENKI is an integrated textbook series widely adopted by many elementary Japanese courses at colleges and high schools in Japan, U.S., and other countries. It completes the elementary level study of the Japanese grammar as well as some 300 kanji and 1,100 vocabulary in the 23 lessons of GENKI I and II.
Filled with words and expressions that learners can easily relate to, this resource also provides a wealth of communicative exercises. Its learner-centered approach makes for fun and effective study―one big reason why GENKI is used in Japanese language courses around the world.
- Understandable grammar explanations written in English enable students to study by their own.
- As the GENKI series have textbooks, workbooks, picture cards, teachers' manual, the Genki-Online website, and applications for iPhone & Android, teachers can offer comprehensive instruction easily.
『げんき』シリーズは、初級日本語を「話す・聞く・読む・書く」の4技能にわたって学習する総合教材です。全2 巻・23 課で、初級の文法全般と漢字約300 字、語彙約1,100 語を学びます。
GENKI is an integrated textbook series widely adopted by many elementary Japanese courses at colleges and high schools in Japan, U.S., and other countries. It completes the elementary level study of the Japanese grammar as well as some 300 kanji and 1,100 vocabulary in the 23 lessons of GENKI I and II.
Filled with words and expressions that learners can easily relate to, this resource also provides a wealth of communicative exercises. Its learner-centered approach makes for fun and effective study―one big reason why GENKI is used in Japanese language courses around the world.
- Understandable grammar explanations written in English enable students to study by their own.
- As the GENKI series have textbooks, workbooks, picture cards, teachers' manual, the Genki-Online website, and applications for iPhone & Android, teachers can offer comprehensive instruction easily.
『げんき』シリーズは、初級日本語を「話す・聞く・読む・書く」の4技能にわたって学習する総合教材です。全2 巻・23 課で、初級の文法全般と漢字約300 字、語彙約1,100 語を学びます。
『初級日本語 げんき[第3版]』について
1.『初級日本語 げんき』とは
2. 教材の構成
3. 表記と書体
4. テキスト各課の構成
5. [第3版]改訂の方針
6. 補助教材
げんき I・テキスト 解答
げんきII・テキスト 解答
げんき I・ワークブック 解答
げんきII・ワークブック 解答
The Teacher’s Guide covers all Practice sections of Textbooks I and II. It provides detailed pointers on how to introduce new material, deal with tricky grammar items, and carry out exercises. Also included are additional suggestions for activities.
As with the second edition, the third edition comes with a separate answer key that includes answers to all textbook and workbook exercises, plus transcripts of the workbooks’ listening material.
Note: The third edition does not come with a CD-ROM. Some of the material contained on the second edition’s CD-ROM and additional new content is made available for purchase via the GENKI Online shop. For details, see here (in Japanese).
About Genki 3rd Edition
*Syllabus of the Dialogue and Grammar Section
*Kanji Introduced in the Reading and Writing Section
Teaching the Conversation and Grammar Section
About the Conversation and Grammar Section
Before Starting Lesson 1
Lessons 1-23
Teaching the Reading and Writing Section
About the Reading and Writing Section
Lessons 1-23
(Supplementary Volume)
Answer Key
・Answer for GENKI I (Textbook)
・Answer for GENKI II (Textbook)
・Answer for GENKI I (Workbook)
・Answer for GENKI II (Workbook)
・Scripts of Listening Comprehension in Workbook
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